- How are the bills paid? 怎样付费?
- How am I going to pay the bill then? 那么我怎么付账单呢?
- I 'd like to know how are you going to pay for the bill when you check out. 我想知道您退房结帐时准备如何结算。
- How are the kids settling into their new school? 孩子们在新学校习惯了吗?
- How are the upper classes distinguished nowadays? 现在的上流社会到底有多显赫呢?
- How are the kids(= your children)? 孩子们好吗?
- Hi, Ellen. How are the kids doing? 嗨,艾伦。孩子们还好吧?
- How are the oversea markets performing? 海外的市场表现如何?
- How are the pictures on the wall? 墙上的画怎么样?
- How are the sorghums as livestock feed? 用作饲料的高粱怎样?
- Q: How are The GazettE songs made? 你们的歌曲是怎麽做的?
- Q:How are the 12 club designs chosen? 12俱乐部的作品怎么被抽选展示的?
- How are the web pages in a category ordered? 目录内的各网页是如何编排的?
- How much was the bill for the electricity? 电费是多少?
- A: Hi, Ellen. How are the kids doing? (嗨,艾伦。孩子们还好吧?)
- A: How are the negotiations going so far? 谈判到目前为止进行得怎么样了?
- How are the various schools to function? 学校怎么办?
- How are the youngsters (ie yourchildren)? 你的孩子怎麽样?
- Rita: Hey Alan, how are the slopes today? 丽塔:嘿,艾伦,今天的坡面情况如何?
- Who are the Bill Russels and Wilt Chamberlains of our time? 谁是我们这个时代的比尔?拉塞尔和威尔特?张伯伦?